Ten'ei Middle School

11th・TEN'EI・Summer Program 2022

*English Below





We made our 11th trip to Ten’ei Middle School in Fukushima prefecture for a full face-to-face program on July 15th. We were very excited and fortunate enough to provide our program to more than 120 students from the entire year group, including the students with special needs! 

Our theme for the program was 『Sustainable Development Goals』 to help raise the understanding of the importance and the agenda of SDGs’ through entertaining English games and group activities! Not to mention, the program objective was not only to raise awareness but also to have the students think on their own about how to contribute to SDGs and make Ten’ei-mura a better place to live. 

The program kicked off with simple activities to have the students gain basic knowledge of the SDGs with fun quizzes and a bingo game. Based on these learnings, students wrote down any actions they could take in their daily lives to contribute to achieving the SDGs. All the actions the students wrote on recycled papers were made into one big SDG Tree for each class! Toward the end, each group also created an SDG poster full of creativity and inspiration, which was presented to the whole class in English.

On the program day, there wasn’t a  single student who was inactive or afraid to talk to us in English. We realized once again what an amazing experience it is to provide our program to an outstanding group of students in Ten’ei Middle School with very high energy levels and ambitions. Thank you very much to all the students and the teachers that made the program possible and we are looking forward to seeing everyone again soon! 

10th・TEN'EI・Winter Hybrid Program 2022

*English Below


今回のテーマは『ありのままの自分を好きになろう → 私の人生は私が決める!』を軸とし、14人の生徒たちに自分自身の価値を理解し、多様化が進む世界で自分軸を強く持って突き進むために役立つプログラムを行いました。



On January 5th 2022 Sekakuru held a program for the 10th time with Ten'ei Middle school located in Fukushima prefecture. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the program was facilitated by online Sekakuru members and members being present face to face.

The Theme was 『Love yourself → Navigate your own life』 and encouraged the 14 participating students to realize the importance to understand your own values and have a strong sense of self in order to be able to navigate the diverse world, which is driven by generalized trends and societal norms. We encourage adolescents to embrace their uniqueness.

In Step ① have more self-appreciation, in Step ② encourage students to look inside and in Step ③ practice going beyond our comfort zone to express our emotions. In groups we played activities such as compliments we’d like to get activity, complexity to positivity game, “Why we love ourselves speech” making and final presentation.

Students passionately talked with Sekakuru members and deeply engaged with the materials. It was a pleasure to meet all the students and teachers again in person after one and a half years.
Thank You very much and we are looking forward to see everybody again soon!

9th・TEN'EI・Summer Online Program 2021

*English Below
テーマは「Pursue your Passion!」。






On July 3rd, we held a hybrid style program with students from the Ten’ei Middle School located in Fukushima prefecture. It was a combination of online activities together with previously prepared and distributed documents.

The theme is “Pursue your Passion!”.


Through this program, students got closer to the English language and were able to dive further into their passion.

 During the online session, students and Sekakuru members were connected in real-time, enjoying conversation and activities.
Once could see the excitement during games and the hard-working students expressing their own passion and thoughts in English.
The teachers and Sekakuru were deeply impressed by that.

Further activities included, a passion profile where students wrote in English about their passion, an interview video of two former Sekakuru members,
and a crossword puzzle.

Unfortunately, we were not able to meet with students directly,
but we successfully worked together and pursued the student’s passion
in combination with the English language.

To all Ten’ei Middle School teachers and students who participated,
thank you very much!
We are looking forward to seeing you soon in a program conducted face to face.


8th・初・TEN'EI Online Program・Summer 2020


*English Below
新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大の影響で、対面でのプログラムは残念ながら中止となってしまいました。そのため、お家から手軽にアクセスできるセカクル初のオンラインプログラムを準備しました! 今回のテーマは『繋がり』。

このようなご時世の中、天栄中学校の先生方、そして参加してくれた生徒の皆さん、初めてのオンラインプログラムに参加して頂いて本当にありがとうございました。 これからも体に気を付けてまた皆さんと会える日を楽しみにしています!


Due to spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, unfortunately the in person Sekakuru program got cancelled.
So Sekakuru created our first “Sekakuru Online Program”, which can easily be accessed from home. Our theme for this online program is “Connect”, where students can get to know cultures from countries around the world and enjoy learning English at the same time.
We prepared worksheets and 8 videos focusing on topics such as world news, dance, world cuisine, and sports. Students worked hard filling out the worksheets and sharing their ideas and feelings about the video content.

It is a very new and difficult time we find ourselves right now, so we thank all the teachers and students from Ten’ei Middle School who have participated in this new Sekakuru Online Program. Every one please take care of your health, and we hope to see you all again soon!


7th・TEN'EI・Winter 2019

*English Below
12月21日に福島県天栄村の天栄中学校にて7回目となるセカクルプログラムを行いました!今回は天栄中学校の生徒達に加えて尚志高校からの生徒も参加してくれました。テーマは『グローカルに考えよう!』(“Think globally, act locally!”)ということで、 グローバルな視点で考え、ローカルに行動するということに着目しました。午前中のゲームやアクティビティを終えた後、「オリンピックを天栄村で開催しよう!」という題で各グループでディスカッションを行いました。そして自分たちの地元の様々な良さをグローバルな視点でアピールし、ブース形式で英語でのプレゼンテーションに挑戦しました。どのグループも素晴らしい発表で、セカクル一同感激しました!


On December 21st, we had our seventh program at Ten'ei Middle School! The students enjoyed a day's worth of self-empowering activities that taught us all to hold a little more pride in our heritages and how ownership of our local culture can help us contribute in global discussions! We empowered ourselves through envisioning holding the Olympics at Ten'ei town, and encouraged the students to share what they felt was unique to their hometown. Thank you so much to Ten'ei Middle School and all the enthusiastic students who participated! Happy holidays!!

6th・TEN'Ei・Summer 2019


今回のテーマは “Open New Doors” ということで、「英語」というドアを開けるためのアプローチの仕方をアクティビティを通して学びました。普段の生活や自分の好きなことから英語を結びつけ、自分が思っている以上に英語というものが身近なものだと伝わっていれば嬉しいです。


On July 6th, we held our sixth program at Ten’ei Middle School! We were happy to see all the students there.

This program’s theme was “Open New Doors,” and the students did various steps and activities in order to discover new opportunities through English. By recognizing that English is in our daily lives and that they can enjoy English more by practicing it through their hobbies, we hope that they were able to realize that it is a lot closer to us than we may realize.

This time, our Sekakuru member Luna gave a presentation about the importance of using English as a communication tool!

Thank you very much to all of the teachers, staff, and students for having us!


TEN'Ei & YAHOO! ・ Ten'ei Rice Promotion Summer 2019

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Ten'ei & Yahoo.jpg




Ten'ei & Yahoo 2.jpg
Ten'ei & Yahoo 3.jpg

Yesterday, 4 Sekakuru members were invited to support 5 students from Ten’ei Middle School at the Yahoo! Japan office as they promoted local products from their village in English to the Yahoo! employees. They were able to spread awareness of and sell many Ten’ei food products at the ​booth, as well as give a presentation on Ten’ei Rice in front of the employees!

We were very moved by not only their amazing English skills, but their love for Ten’ei Village and its local products.

​Please watch the video about this event from 2/21 which was broadcasted on はまなかあいづToday!


5th・TEN'Ei・Winter 2018

*English Below

今回のテーマは “Put Yourself in Other People’s Shoes” ということで、客観的に物事を見つめ直すアクティビティをいくつか行いました。他国の知らなかった点を覚えて当てるゲームやディベートを通して、生徒たちは実際に視野を広げ、新たな観点を生み出せたのではないかなと思います。

On December 22nd, we had our fifth program at Ten'ei Middle School! We also had students from Shoshi High School participating! The students actively participated in a program that taught us all how to be a little bit more compassionate and empathetic by putting ourselves in other people's shoes - just in time for the holiday season! We learned how to see different perspectives through sharing surprising facts of different countries as well as creating skits to see how different people would act in a given scenario. We also had the chance to listen to the story of a JAL member and her interesting experiences in Vietnam and Japan! Thank you so much to Ten'ei Middle School, JAL, and all the enthusiastic students who participated!

4th・TEN'Ei・Summer 2018



今回のテーマは “Take a step forward!” 『一歩踏み出そう!』でした。ゲームやディスカッションを通して、生徒達1人1人が自分なりの「一歩」を踏み出すことができました。また、今回は日本航空(JAL)から2人のスタッフも参加してくださり、タイ支社からのSuphatcha Chanthon (Boboさん) は、タイと日本の生活についてプレゼンテーションを行いました。参加してくれた皆さん、本当にありがとうございました!

On July 7th, we held a program in Ten’ei Middle School in Fukushima for the fourth time! This time, the theme was “Take a step forward!”, and the students were able to take their “step” forward in the games and discussions that we did throughout the program.

Moreover, two staff members from Japan Airlines (JAL) has participated in our program, and we were able to hear a presentation given by Ms. Suphatcha Chanthon (Bobo-san), a JAL staff from Thailand, about her life in Thailand and in Japan!

Thank you so much to everyone that participated!

3rd・TEN'EI・Winter 2018

*English Below







On February 12th we held a program in Ten’ei Middle School in Fukushima for the third time!

We divided the program into 3 steps: “Open”, “Think”, and “Explore”.


In the first step, “Open”, we played a game where we assigned the classrooms as “countries” and the students “travelled” around the world.

In the next step, “Think”, we first talked about the similarities and the differences between Ten’ei Middle School and schools around the world. Then, the students put together a presentation in English, about how they would accept a foreign exchange student if they came to their school.

In the last step, “Explore”, the students and us Sekakuru members talked about studying abroad and experiences living in foreign countries.​

Thank you so much to the teachers, and the students that participated!!
