4th・TEN'Ei・Summer 2018



今回のテーマは “Take a step forward!” 『一歩踏み出そう!』でした。ゲームやディスカッションを通して、生徒達1人1人が自分なりの「一歩」を踏み出すことができました。また、今回は日本航空(JAL)から2人のスタッフも参加してくださり、タイ支社からのSuphatcha Chanthon (Boboさん) は、タイと日本の生活についてプレゼンテーションを行いました。参加してくれた皆さん、本当にありがとうございました!

On July 7th, we held a program in Ten’ei Middle School in Fukushima for the fourth time! This time, the theme was “Take a step forward!”, and the students were able to take their “step” forward in the games and discussions that we did throughout the program.

Moreover, two staff members from Japan Airlines (JAL) has participated in our program, and we were able to hear a presentation given by Ms. Suphatcha Chanthon (Bobo-san), a JAL staff from Thailand, about her life in Thailand and in Japan!

Thank you so much to everyone that participated!