5th・TEN'Ei・Winter 2018

*English Below

今回のテーマは “Put Yourself in Other People’s Shoes” ということで、客観的に物事を見つめ直すアクティビティをいくつか行いました。他国の知らなかった点を覚えて当てるゲームやディベートを通して、生徒たちは実際に視野を広げ、新たな観点を生み出せたのではないかなと思います。

On December 22nd, we had our fifth program at Ten'ei Middle School! We also had students from Shoshi High School participating! The students actively participated in a program that taught us all how to be a little bit more compassionate and empathetic by putting ourselves in other people's shoes - just in time for the holiday season! We learned how to see different perspectives through sharing surprising facts of different countries as well as creating skits to see how different people would act in a given scenario. We also had the chance to listen to the story of a JAL member and her interesting experiences in Vietnam and Japan! Thank you so much to Ten'ei Middle School, JAL, and all the enthusiastic students who participated!

4th・NICHIDAI・Winter 2018

*English Below

10月21日に日大東北高校でプログラムを実施しました! 様々な活動やゲームを通して今の自分を見つめ直し、将来について考えることが出来ました。今回のプログラムでは「Guide Me」というゲームが特に人気でした!英語を使って相手に伝える楽しさや大変さを同時に学ぶことが出来ましたね。


On October 21st, we went to Nichidai Tohoku for our program! We were able to reflect on ourselves and think about our future by doing various activities and games throughout the day. All of the students were so bright and active, and "Guide Me" was the favorite game of the day! The students had lots of opportunities to use English to express themselves and interact with the new Sekakuru members. Thank you so much to Nichidai Tohoku and all of the students that participated!

3rd・TESHIO・Summer 2018

*English Below




On August 10th, we held our 3rd program in Teshio Middle School in Hokkaido! It was also our first time going to Teshio in the summertime!

First we did a self-introduction game to start off the day, and then we did the “Sekakurukuru” game where students went around different countries with a fake passport. In the afternoon, we did a discussion with the topic “Lets host the Olympics at Teshio!” and the students came up with their own original slogan, mascot, and emblem. At the end, each group made a presentation in English. Each group had very creative and impressive presentations! Thank you to Teshio Town, Teshio Middle School, and every student that participated!

初・TAMURA CITY Summer Camp・2018

*English Below

7月29日〜31日の3日間で福島県田村市でイングリッシュキャンプを行いました!セカクル史上初となる3日間のプログラムのテーマは “Colorful Identities”「色とりどりの個性」でした!田村市内の学校のALTの先生方も参加していただき、生徒達と充実した3日間を過ごすことができました。






From July 29th to 31st, we had our first 3 day English Summer Camp in Tamura City in Fukushima Prefecture! With the help from the local ALTs and the BOE staff from Tamura City, we were able to have a fruitful three days with the students!

Our theme throughout the camp was “Colorful Identities”. On the first day, the students focused on their own identities and shared them with the other students. On the second day, we focused on learning about others’ identities and we did a discussion and presentation, as well as outdoor activities such as tree climbing, drone flying, and many other fun games. On the final day, we focused on expressing ourselves in English and did a skit in English! The students put a twist on fairy tales such as Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood, and performed in front of everyone at the end. We were all very impressed with the students’ growth within just three days!

We want to thank the Tamura City Board of Education and the ALTs for all the kind support and to all the students that participated!


4th・TEN'Ei・Summer 2018



今回のテーマは “Take a step forward!” 『一歩踏み出そう!』でした。ゲームやディスカッションを通して、生徒達1人1人が自分なりの「一歩」を踏み出すことができました。また、今回は日本航空(JAL)から2人のスタッフも参加してくださり、タイ支社からのSuphatcha Chanthon (Boboさん) は、タイと日本の生活についてプレゼンテーションを行いました。参加してくれた皆さん、本当にありがとうございました!

On July 7th, we held a program in Ten’ei Middle School in Fukushima for the fourth time! This time, the theme was “Take a step forward!”, and the students were able to take their “step” forward in the games and discussions that we did throughout the program.

Moreover, two staff members from Japan Airlines (JAL) has participated in our program, and we were able to hear a presentation given by Ms. Suphatcha Chanthon (Bobo-san), a JAL staff from Thailand, about her life in Thailand and in Japan!

Thank you so much to everyone that participated!

3rd・TEN'EI・Winter 2018

*English Below







On February 12th we held a program in Ten’ei Middle School in Fukushima for the third time!

We divided the program into 3 steps: “Open”, “Think”, and “Explore”.


In the first step, “Open”, we played a game where we assigned the classrooms as “countries” and the students “travelled” around the world.

In the next step, “Think”, we first talked about the similarities and the differences between Ten’ei Middle School and schools around the world. Then, the students put together a presentation in English, about how they would accept a foreign exchange student if they came to their school.

In the last step, “Explore”, the students and us Sekakuru members talked about studying abroad and experiences living in foreign countries.​

Thank you so much to the teachers, and the students that participated!!


2nd・TESHIO・Winter 2018

*English Below







We visited Teshio Town in Hokkaido from February 3rd~4th, and held a program at Teshio Middle School for the second time in cooperation with Japan Airlines (JAL).

First, the students talked about the attractiveness of Hokkaido, and how to use those points to attract foreign tourists. Each group chose one country to focus on, and presented their ideas in English. The JAL staff and teachers gave their feedbacks afterwards.

We then had a presentation about India from one of the JAL staff from New Dehli!

Thank you so much to the JAL staff, teachers, Teshio Town, and to the students that participated!