1st・KINUTA・Winter 2020

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*English Below


素晴らしい砧中学校の生徒たちにまたお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。 :)

Kinuta Program 11.7_201214.jpg

Almost after a year has passed since our last offline program at Ten'ei Middle School, Sekakuru has managed to hold a program for students with special needs at Kinuta Middle School on November 7th.

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In spite of the COVID19, Sekakuru has managed to follow the strict COVID19 safety guidelines and successfully finish the program. Our main objective was to bring a message to the students that the 'The World is Wide' through the theme of 'Olympics & Paralympics and Diverse Culture'.

Not only it was a great opportunity for the students to widen their knowledge related to Olympics and different cultures, but an amazing experience for our Sekakuru members as well.
Every single student participated with great passion and had smiles on their faces throughout the program.

We are looking forward to seeing the wonderful Kinuta students again very soon. :)

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8th・初・TEN'EI Online Program・Summer 2020


*English Below
新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大の影響で、対面でのプログラムは残念ながら中止となってしまいました。そのため、お家から手軽にアクセスできるセカクル初のオンラインプログラムを準備しました! 今回のテーマは『繋がり』。

このようなご時世の中、天栄中学校の先生方、そして参加してくれた生徒の皆さん、初めてのオンラインプログラムに参加して頂いて本当にありがとうございました。 これからも体に気を付けてまた皆さんと会える日を楽しみにしています!


Due to spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, unfortunately the in person Sekakuru program got cancelled.
So Sekakuru created our first “Sekakuru Online Program”, which can easily be accessed from home. Our theme for this online program is “Connect”, where students can get to know cultures from countries around the world and enjoy learning English at the same time.
We prepared worksheets and 8 videos focusing on topics such as world news, dance, world cuisine, and sports. Students worked hard filling out the worksheets and sharing their ideas and feelings about the video content.

It is a very new and difficult time we find ourselves right now, so we thank all the teachers and students from Ten’ei Middle School who have participated in this new Sekakuru Online Program. Every one please take care of your health, and we hope to see you all again soon!
