7th・TEN'EI・Winter 2019

*English Below
12月21日に福島県天栄村の天栄中学校にて7回目となるセカクルプログラムを行いました!今回は天栄中学校の生徒達に加えて尚志高校からの生徒も参加してくれました。テーマは『グローカルに考えよう!』(“Think globally, act locally!”)ということで、 グローバルな視点で考え、ローカルに行動するということに着目しました。午前中のゲームやアクティビティを終えた後、「オリンピックを天栄村で開催しよう!」という題で各グループでディスカッションを行いました。そして自分たちの地元の様々な良さをグローバルな視点でアピールし、ブース形式で英語でのプレゼンテーションに挑戦しました。どのグループも素晴らしい発表で、セカクル一同感激しました!


On December 21st, we had our seventh program at Ten'ei Middle School! The students enjoyed a day's worth of self-empowering activities that taught us all to hold a little more pride in our heritages and how ownership of our local culture can help us contribute in global discussions! We empowered ourselves through envisioning holding the Olympics at Ten'ei town, and encouraged the students to share what they felt was unique to their hometown. Thank you so much to Ten'ei Middle School and all the enthusiastic students who participated! Happy holidays!!

6th・TEN'Ei・Summer 2019


今回のテーマは “Open New Doors” ということで、「英語」というドアを開けるためのアプローチの仕方をアクティビティを通して学びました。普段の生活や自分の好きなことから英語を結びつけ、自分が思っている以上に英語というものが身近なものだと伝わっていれば嬉しいです。


On July 6th, we held our sixth program at Ten’ei Middle School! We were happy to see all the students there.

This program’s theme was “Open New Doors,” and the students did various steps and activities in order to discover new opportunities through English. By recognizing that English is in our daily lives and that they can enjoy English more by practicing it through their hobbies, we hope that they were able to realize that it is a lot closer to us than we may realize.

This time, our Sekakuru member Luna gave a presentation about the importance of using English as a communication tool!

Thank you very much to all of the teachers, staff, and students for having us!


2nd・Sekakuru ✖ ALT In TAMURA・Summer 2019

*English Below




今回のプログラムのテーマは、「Challenge Your Challenges」でした!「Challenge」には二つの意味があり、名詞と動詞で分かれています。名詞だと、これから乗り越えないといけない難関や難問を指していて、動詞だとその難関に挑戦するという意味を持ちます。このテーマはその二つの意味をワードプレー(言葉遊び)でかけています。二日間の間、様々なアクティビティやゲームをしながら、生徒のみんなにコンファートゾーンの4つのステップ、comfort zone (居心地のいいステップ), fear zone (恐怖を感じるステップ), learning zone (学び、成長するステップ), challenge zone (新しいことに、自ら挑戦するステップ) について知ってもらいました。この4つのステップを元に、今回は3人のセカクルメンバーがプレゼンテーションをしました。まず、まいが小学二年生の時、香港へ引っ越し、転校して経験したことについて、そして、みほ(リオン、フランス)となみ(サンディエゴ、アメリカ)から二人が最近留学して経験しことについてプレゼンテーションをしました。



This summer, from 27~28th July, Sekakuru returned to Tamura village in Fukushima for another English Camp! Sekakuru collaborated with ALTs; a group of American English teachers in Tamura, throughout the 2-day English Camp. This time we had a total of 21 students from three different middle schools from Tamura, 7 Sekakuru members and 7 ALTs.

This programme’s theme was “Challenge Your Challenges”–a word play on the word ‘challenge’ as a verb and as a noun. Through several activities, we tried to explore the four steps of comfort zone; Comfort, Fear, Learn and Challenge. We also had Sekakuru presenters. This time, Mai on her experiences when she moved to Hong Kong at the age of 8, while Miho and Nami presented on their recent experiences during their time studying abroad–Lyon, France and San Diego, USA.

We would like to thank to teachers, Tamura City Board of Education, and parents of the students for organising and letting us be a part of this English Summer Camp. We had an amazing time and wish to come back next year!


TEN'Ei & YAHOO! ・ Ten'ei Rice Promotion Summer 2019

*English Below​​

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Ten'ei & Yahoo 3.jpg

Yesterday, 4 Sekakuru members were invited to support 5 students from Ten’ei Middle School at the Yahoo! Japan office as they promoted local products from their village in English to the Yahoo! employees. They were able to spread awareness of and sell many Ten’ei food products at the ​booth, as well as give a presentation on Ten’ei Rice in front of the employees!

We were very moved by not only their amazing English skills, but their love for Ten’ei Village and its local products.

​Please watch the video about this event from 2/21 which was broadcasted on はまなかあいづToday!
