1ST・SEIJO・Winter 2022

1ST・SEIJO・Winter 2022

*English Below
初めて教室に入ったとき、少し緊張しながらも期待に胸を膨らませていたことを今でも覚えています。生徒たちを見ていると、学生の頃の、希望に満ちた無邪気な雰囲気が伝わってくるんです。 やっぱりはじめは、生徒と打ち解けるのは難しいのですが、積極的に話しかけていくと、どんどん仲良くなっていきました。初日が一番大変ですが、失敗を恐れず、積極的に話す生徒たちのおかげで、乗り越えました。2日目のスポーツの日には一緒にゲームをして、交流を深めていきました。 自分も中学生に戻ったような気分で楽しかったです。最終日は、名残惜しいという気持ちでいっぱいでした。プレゼンテーションを行った日でしたが、中学生がたくさん参加してくれて、冗談を言いながらでも気軽に話しかけてくれました。また、このプログラムに参加して生徒たちと会いたいです!

I still remember when I first walked into the classroom a little nervous but excited. When I saw the students, I felt like I was going back to school- there was an innocent atmosphere there filled with hope. Honestly, it was a little difficult getting to know the students in the beginning but after talking to them, I realized that they were very open-minded! The first day was the most difficult day, however, we got through it and the students started to talk and soon they were not scared of making mistakes. The second day was sports day and it was the most interesting day as we got to interact with the students the most. Playing games with them made me also feel like a “junior high school student.” I enjoyed it a lot! On the last day, we were most reluctant to leave since we had met them for three consecutive days. On the presentation day, the students shared with us their work and by then they had gotten very comfortable talking to me- even making joking around! This program was so much fun and I hope we are able to organize a similar program in the future.